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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Old EFCB Watch Towers

The old watch tower near Corinto station was demolished sometimes after this photo, circa 1998.

The railroads of the past were more conscious and interested parties in solving the social problems created by the passage of the trains by the urban centers that the companies of the modernity. Watch towers of protection of the crossing level were common in the main crossings inside of the cities, although the traffic of automobiles in that time were infinitely smaller than today. Interesting to notice although the floating capital in the companies and in the society of that time it was also much smaller than today. Then, what did in the society allows the railroads to demolish protection watch towers change as the ones what see in the pictures? These remaining works of the Central do Brasil railroad are a lesson to the modern concessionary companies of railroads of the present. The accidents continue to increase in urban crossing levels. Will it be that the wage of a guard of crossing level costs so much for a railroad, that it prefers to leave the fault of the accidents to the pedestrians and vehicles, and not assuming the responsibilities to it attributed? Such companies should follow the example of the companies of the past. Only the old Central do Brasil contributed more with the social than all of the companies of the modernity together .Imagine, then, the all made by the others.

The watch tower at Pedro Leopoldo is one of the last in operation condition in the Centro Line of old EFCB.

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